Results for 'Erik Forde Ugland'

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  1.  25
    Minnesota News Council: Principles, Precedent, and Moral Authority.Jack Breslin & Erik Forde Ugland - 2000 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 15 (4):232-247.
    This study addresses the Minnesota News Council's moral authority-that is, its ability to serve as a referent for the ethical or moral choices of others-and how its authority might be affected by perceptions of its legitimacy. After analyzing all of the Council's 125 written determinations, we argue that the Council's legitimacy and authority could be enlarged by clearer statements of ethical principles, explicit expressions of standards of conduct, and more consistent references to past determinations.
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    Who is a journalist and why does it matter? Disentangling the legal and ethical arguments.Erik Ugland & Jennifer Henderson - 2007 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 22 (4):241 – 261.
    The contemporary debate about "who is a journalist" is occurring in two distinct domains: law and professional ethics. Although the debate in these domains is focused on separate problems, participants treat the central question as essentially the same. This article suggests that the debates in law and professional ethics have to be resolved independently and that debate within those domains needs to be more nuanced. In law, it must vary depending on whether the context involves constitutional law, statutory law, or (...)
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    Moral distress among Norwegian doctors.R. Forde & O. G. Aasland - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (7):521-525.
    Background: Medicine is full of value conflicts. Limited resources and legal regulations may place doctors in difficult ethical dilemmas and cause moral distress. Research on moral distress has so far been mainly studied in nurses. Objective: To describe whether Norwegian doctors experience stress related to ethical dilemmas and lack of resources, and to explore whether the doctors feel that they have good strategies for the resolution of ethical dilemmas. Design: Postal survey of a representative sample of 1497 Norwegian doctors in (...)
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    The Ambition to Rule: Alcibiades and the Politics of Imperialism.Steven Forde - 2019 - Cornell University Press.
    This book is a fresh examination of Thucydides' treatment of Alcibiades in his History of the Peloponnesian War, Alcibiades' significance in the History, and his relation to Thucydides' political themes.
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  5. Benjamin Franklin's "machiavellian" civic virtue.Steven Forde - 2005 - In Paul Anthony Rahe (ed.), Machiavelli's liberal republican legacy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  6. Reconceptualizing American Democracy: The First Principles.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 5 (4):01-47.
    An outstanding group of leaders left evidence that a richer and more sustainable democracy could be achieved with American independence and democratic principles integrated into a new republican form of government. They were moved by principles that are the very spirit of democracy. These principles are needed to enhance democracy and improve well-being. Using the constructivist tradition of grounded theory and Aristotle’s conception of abstraction, the article proposes a theory of the first principles of democracy based on substantive data: the (...)
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  7. Reversing Demoralization Linked to School Bullying.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2024 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 6 (4):62-89.
    There have been 417 gun violence in schools since Columbine. In these shootings, more than 383,000 students were killed. At the time of the event, most offenders of school mass shootings were targets of school bullying, experiencing a mental health crisis, and a history of depression. Effective interventions and support that could help prevent or reduce school bullying incidents require understanding the process of demoralization and empowering social change. This paper is part of an original constructivist grounded theory study on (...)
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    Habitat, Economy and Society: A Geographical Introduction to Ethnology.Cyril Daryll Forde - 1963 - Routledge.
    An introduction to the ethnography and human geography of non-European peoples, this book deals with the economic and social life of a number of groups at diverse levels of cultural achievement and in different regions of the world. International in its scope the book covers: Malaysia, Africa, North America, Canada, Siberia, the Amazon, Eastern Solomon Islands, India, Central Asia and the Middle East. Originally published in 1934. This re-issues the seventh edition of 1949.
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    Law and Gospel in Luther's Hermeneutic.Gerhard O. Forde - 1983 - Interpretation 37 (3):240-252.
    Law and gospel, as Luther understood them, are more a matter of modes of speech and ways of preaching than of difference in content between Old and New Testaments.
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  10. Empowering Democracy: A Socio-Ethical Theory.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 5 (3):1-20.
    Great Britain subjugated colonists using various power strategies, including dehumanization, misinformation, fear, and other divisive strategies. The Founders described these oppressive strategies as “a long train of abuses and usurpations.” Throughout the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, the Founding Fathers imbued the people with hope in a government for the people: one unlike that of the monarchy, which sought to protect itself at the expense of colonists. As a result, the Founders created a government more likely to lead (...)
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  11. The Principles of Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Leveraging Democratic Polarities.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Agpe the Royal Gondwana Research Journal of History, Science, Economic, Political and Social Science 4 (7):1-12.
    The polarities of democracy framework is used to achieve human emancipation by simultaneously managing multiple paradoxes by employing Johnson’s polarity management as the conceptual framework. Although Johnson’s framework may be appropriate for managing other tension-dependent pairs, it is less suitable for managing multiple democratic values when the goal is human emancipation and sustainable democratic social change. Managing multiple polarities is exacerbated by the problem-shifting and problem-creation effect inherent in a tension-driven framework. The aim was to develop a constructivist grounded theory (...)
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  12.  12
    Locke, Science and Politics.Steven Forde - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this ground-breaking book, Steven Forde argues that John Locke's devotion to modern science deeply shaped his moral and political philosophy. Beginning with an account of the classical approach to natural and moral philosophy, and of the medieval scholasticism that took these forward into early modernity, Forde explores why the modern scientific project of Francis Bacon, Pierre Gassendi, Robert Boyle and others required the rejection of the classical approach. Locke fully subscribed to this rejection, and took it upon (...)
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  13. The American Founding Documents and Democratic Social Change: A Constructivist Grounded Theory.A. I. Forde & Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Dissertation, Walden University
    Existing social disparities in the United States are inconsistent with the promise of democracy; therefore, there was a need for critical conceptualization of the first principles that undergird American democracy and the genesis of democratic social change in America. This constructivist grounded theory study aimed to construct a grounded theory that provides an understanding of the process of American democratic social change as it emerged from the nation’s founding documents. A post hoc polytheoretical framework including Foucault’s, Bourdieu’s, and Marx and (...)
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  14. The US Founding Documents Through the Lenses of Bourdieu, Foucault, and Marx: A Power Analysis.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 5 (3): 77–93.
    Few scholars have explored the founding documents to identify the deliberate social change strategy that led to America's independence and a new form of government that was of, by, and for the people. This study aimed to apply a post-hoc polytheoretical framework of power to the findings of a democratic social change study to understand the dynamics of power between Great Britain and the American colonists. The original study employed the constructivist grounded theory tradition to explore democracy in the Declaration (...)
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  15. Assessing Political Demoralization: A Framework for Public Policy Analysis and Evaluation.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 5 (4):82-111.
    Background: The United States symbolizes democracy in the new world and contributes to global prosperity. Nevertheless, incrementalism is a historically dominant national approach to public policy implementation that delays democracy and undermines human dignity. Human flourishing and national development are endangered by slow-moving democratic changes. This necessitates a social justice framework that traces the exploitation of incrementalism and the consequences of opportunity gaps. Objectives: This study aims to construct a grounded theory to address and answer the following research question: Are (...)
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    Nicholas Hereford's Ascension Day Sermon, 1382.Simon Forde - 1989 - Mediaeval Studies 51 (1):205-241.
  17.  34
    Something to Believe: A Theological Perspective on Infant Baptism.Gerhard O. Forde - 1993 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 47 (3):229-241.
    Our know-it-alls, the new spirits, assert that faith alone saves and that works and external things contribute nothing to this end. We answer: It is true, nothing that is in us does it but faith, as we shall hear later on. But these leaders of the blind are unwilling to see that faith must have something to believe—something to which it may cling and upon which it may stand. Thus faith clings to the water and believes it to be Baptism (...)
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  18.  24
    The Exodusfrom Virtue to Grace: Justification by Faith Today.Gerhard O. Forde - 1980 - Interpretation 34 (1):32-44.
    Even though it may need some reinterpretation, the doctrine of justification by faith is still “the article by which the Church stands or falls”!
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    The principle of justice in patient priorities in the intensive care unit: the role of significant others.K. Halvorsen, R. Forde & P. Nortvedt - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (8):483-487.
    Background: Theoretically, the principle of justice is strong in healthcare priorities both nationally and internationally. Research, however, has indicated that questions can be raised as to how this principle is dealt with in clinical intensive care. Objective: The objective of this article is to examine how significant others may affect the principle of justice in the medical treatment and nursing care of intensive care patients. Method: Field observations and in-depth interviews with physicians and nurses in intensive care units (ICU). Emphasis (...)
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  20.  73
    A Bayesian Simulation Model of Group Deliberation and Polarization.Erik J. Olsson - 2013 - Springer.
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  21.  62
    What is happening during case deliberations in clinical ethics committees? A pilot study.R. Pedersen, V. Akre & R. Forde - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (3):147-152.
    Background: Clinical ethics consultation services have been established in many countries during recent decades. An important task is to discuss concrete clinical cases. However, empirical research observing what is happening during such deliberations is scarce. Objectives: To explore clinical ethics committees’ deliberations and to identify areas for improvement. Design: A pilot study including observations of committees deliberating a paper case, semistructured group interviews, and qualitative analysis of the data. Participants: Nine hospital ethics committees in Norway. Results and interpretations: Key elements (...)
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  22. Robust Ethics: The Metaphysics and Epistemology of Godless Normative Realism.Erik Joseph Wielenberg - 2014 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Erik J. Wielenberg draws on recent work in analytic philosophy and empirical moral psychology to defend non-theistic robust normative realism, according to which there are objective ethical features of the universe that do not depend on God for their existence. He goes on to develop an empirically-grounded account of human moral knowledge.
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    Introduction to Symposium on David Boonin's The Non-Identity Problem and the Ethics of Future People.Erik Magnusson - 2019 - Law, Ethics and Philosophy 7.
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  24. Reliabilism, Stability, and the Value of Knowledge.Erik J. Olsson - 2007 - American Philosophical Quarterly 44 (4):343 - 355.
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    What Preferences Really Are.Erik Angner - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (4):660-681.
    Daniel M. Hausman holds that preferences in economics are total subjective comparative evaluations—subjective judgments to the effect that something is better than something else all things told—and that economists are right to employ this conception of preference. Here, I argue against both parts of Hausman’s thesis. The failure of Hausman’s account, I continue, reflects a deeper problem, that is, that preferences in economics do not need an explicit definition of the kind that he seeks. Nonetheless, Hausman’s labors were not in (...)
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    Hierarchies, similarity, and interactivity in object recognition: “Category-specific” neuropsychological deficits.Glyn W. Humphreys & Emer M. E. Forde - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):453-476.
    Category-specific impairments of object recognition and naming are among the most intriguing disorders in neuropsychology, affecting the retrieval of knowledge about either living or nonliving things. They can give us insight into the nature of our representations of objects: Have we evolved different neural systems for recognizing different categories of object? What kinds of knowledge are important for recognizing particular objects? How does visual similarity within a category influence object recognition and representation? What is the nature of our semantic knowledge (...)
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  27.  60
    Audio-visual integration of emotional cues in song.William Forde Thompson, Frank A. Russo & Lena Quinto - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (8):1457-1470.
    We examined whether facial expressions of performers influence the emotional connotations of sung materials, and whether attention is implicated in audio-visual integration of affective cues. In Experiment 1, participants judged the emotional valence of audio-visual presentations of sung intervals. Performances were edited such that auditory and visual information conveyed congruent or incongruent affective connotations. In the single-task condition, participants judged the emotional connotation of sung intervals. In the dual-task condition, participants judged the emotional connotation of intervals while performing a secondary (...)
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  28. A Theory of Democratic Social Change and the Role of Disempowerment: Reconceptualization of the American Founding Documents .Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 5 (3):50-72.
    Existing social disparities in the United States are inconsistent with Lincoln’s promise of democracy; therefore, there is a need for a critical conceptualization of the first principles that undergird American democracy and the genesis of democratic social change in America. This study aimed to construct a grounded theory that provides an understanding of the process of American democratic social change. The result was the construction of two frameworks: the demoralization process that triggers social change, and a formal grounded theory that (...)
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  29. A Strategy for Constructing Multiple Grounded Theories: The Constructivist Approach.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Agpe the Royal Gondwana Research Journal of History, Science, Economic, Political and Social Science 4 (6):33-44.
    Grounded theory methodology is perceived as challenging due to its systematic and rigorous process. However, this is because most people do not realize that the strategies used in the grounded theory data analysis process are used by laypeople and professionals regularly, if not daily. This article aims to help others interested in grounded theory with a background in qualitative data analysis feel comfortable engaging in the methodology and constructing multiple theories in the same study. It shares my latest experience incorporating (...)
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  30. The parent–child analogy and the limits of skeptical theism.Erik J. Wielenberg - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 78 (3):301-314.
    I draw on the literature on skeptical theism to develop an argument against Christian theism based on the widespread existence of suffering that appears to its sufferer to be gratuitous and is combined with the sense that God has abandoned one or never existed in the first place. While the core idea of the argument is hardly novel, key elements of the argument are importantly different from other influential arguments against Christian theism. After explaining that argument, I make the case (...)
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  31.  73
    Perceptual consciousness, access to modality and skill theories: A way to naturalize phenomenology?Erik Myin & J. Kevin O'Regan - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (1):27-45.
    We address the thesis recently proposed by Andy Clark, that skill-mediated access to modality implies phenomenal feel. We agree that a skill theory of perception does indeed offer the possibility of a satisfactory account of the feel of perception, but we claim that this is not only through explanation of access to modality but also because skill actually provides access to perceptual property in general. We illustrate and substantiate our claims by reference to the recently proposed 'sensorimotor contingency' theory of (...)
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  32.  37
    Splitting a Difference of Opinion: The Shift to Negotiation.Erik Krabbe & Jan Laar - 2018 - Argumentation 32 (3):329-350.
    Negotiation is not only used to settle differences of interest but also to settle differences of opinion. Discussants who are unable to resolve their difference about the objective worth of a policy or action proposal may be willing to abandon their attempts to convince the other and search instead for a compromise that would, for each of them, though only a second choice yet be preferable to a lasting conflict. Our questions are: First, when is it sensible to enter into (...)
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  33. Reliability conducive measures of coherence.Erik J. Olsson & Stefan Schubert - 2007 - Synthese 157 (3):297-308.
    A measure of coherence is said to be truth conducive if and only if a higher degree of coherence (as measured) results in a higher likelihood of truth. Recent impossibility results strongly indicate that there are no (non-trivial) probabilistic coherence measures that are truth conducive. Indeed, this holds even if truth conduciveness is understood in a weak ceteris paribus sense (Bovens & Hartmann, 2003, Bayesian epistemology. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press; Olsson, 2005, Against coherence: Truth probability and justification. Oxford: (...)
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    Explicating Ignorance and Doubt : A Possible Worlds Approach.Erik J. Olsson & Carlo Proietti - 2016 - In Rik Peels & Martijn Blaauw (eds.), The Epistemic Dimensions of Ignorance. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 81-95.
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  35. A Naturalistic Approach to the Generality Problem.Erik J. Olsson - 2016 - In Hilary Kornblith & Brian McLaughlin (eds.), Goldman and his Critics. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 178–199.
    This chapter considers the present account to be a sufficient response to the generality problem as an objection that specifically targets reliabilism. It identifies the main challenge for reliabilism in relation to the typing of belief‐forming processes. The chapter focuses on insights in cognitive science in a way that should make this response attractive to practitioners of naturalized epistemology, including Goldman himself. The most stimulating part of Conee and Feldman's attack can charitably be viewed as targeting the notion that the (...)
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    A coherence interpretation of semi-revision.Erik J. Olsson - 1997 - Theoria 63 (1-2):105-134.
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  37. The Value of Knowledge.Erik J. Olsson - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (12):874-883.
    A problem occupying much contemporary epistemology is that of explaining why knowledge is more valuable than mere true belief. This paper provides an overview of this debate, starting with historical figures and early work. The contemporary debate in mainstream epistemology is then surveyed and some recent developments that deserve special attention are highlighted, including mounting doubts about the prospects for virtue epistemology to solve the value problem as well as renewed interest in classical and reliabilist‐externalist responses.
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  38. Revisiting Rawls:A Theory of Justice in the light of Levi's theory of decision.Erik Angner - 2004 - Theoria 70 (1):3-21.
    The present paper revisits the issue of rational decision making in John Rawls' original position. Drawing on Isaac Levi's theory of decision, I discuss how we can defend Rawls against John C. Harsanyi's charge that maximin reasoning in the original position is irrational. The discussion suggests that systematic application of Levi's theory is likely to have important consequences for ethics and political theory as well as for public policy.
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    So what? Profiles for relevance criticism in persuation dialogues.Erik C. W. Krabbe - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (2):271-283.
    This paper discusses several types of relevance criticism within dialogue. Relevance criticism is a way one could or should criticize one's partner's contribution in a conversation as being deficient in respect of conversational coherence. The first section tries to narrow down the scope of the subject to manageable proportions. Attention is given to the distinction between criticism of alleged fallacies within dialogue and such criticism as pertains to argumentative texts. Within dialogue one may distigguish tenability criticism, connection criticism, and narrow-type (...)
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    Neo-Sumerian Texts from South Dakota University, Luther and Union Colleges, Autograph Copies and Indexes of Cuneiform Documents.Daniel C. Snell & Nels W. Forde - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):762.
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    The role of signal detection and amplification in the induction of emotion by music.William Forde Thompson & Max Coltheart - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):597-598.
    We propose that the six mechanisms identified by Juslin & Vll (J&V) fall into two categories: signal detection and amplification. Signal detection mechanisms are unmediated and induce emotion by directly detecting emotive signals in music. Amplifiers act in conjunction with signal detection mechanisms. We also draw attention to theoretical and empirical challenges associated with the proposed mechanisms.
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  42. The analysis of singular spacetimes.Erik Curiel - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):145.
    Much controversy surrounds the question of what ought to be the proper definition of 'singularity' in general relativity, and the question of whether the prediction of such entities leads to a crisis for the theory. I argue that a definition in terms of curve incompleteness is adequate, and in particular that the idea that singularities correspond to 'missing points' has insurmountable problems. I conclude that singularities per se pose no serious problem for the theory, but their analysis does bring into (...)
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  43.  79
    Corroborating testimony, probability and surprise.Erik J. Olsson - 2002 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 53 (2):273-288.
    Jonathan Cohen has claimed that in cases of witness agreement there is an inverse relationship between the prior probability and the posterior probability of what is being agreed: the posterior rises as the prior falls. As is demonstrated in this paper, this contention is not generally valid. In fact, in the most straightforward case exactly the opposite is true: a lower prior also means a lower posterior. This notwithstanding, there is a grain of truth to what Cohen is saying, as (...)
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    Life-prolonging treatment in nursing homes: how do physicians and nurses describe and justify their own practice?A. Dreyer, R. Forde & P. Nortvedt - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (7):396-400.
    Background Making the right decisions, while simultaneously showing respect for patient autonomy, represents a great challenge to nursing home staff in the issues of life-prolonging treatment, hydration, nutrition and hospitalisation to dying patents in end-of-life. Objectives To study how physicians and nurses protect nursing home patients' autonomy in end-of-life decisions, and how they justify their practice. Design A qualitative descriptive design with analysis of the content of transcribed in-depth interviews with physicians and nurses. Participants Nine physicians and ten nurses in (...)
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    On the importance of correctly locating content: why and how REC can afford affordance perception.Erik Myin - 2020 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):25-39.
    REC, or the radical enactive/embodied view of cognition makes a crucial distinction between basic and content-involving cognition. This paper clarifies REC’s views on basic and content-involving cognition, and their relation by replying to a recent criticism claiming that REC is refuted by evidence on affordance perception. It shows how a correct understanding of how basic and contentless cognition relate allows to see how REC can accommodate this evidence, and thus can afford affordance perception.
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  46. On the Existence of Spacetime Structure.Erik Curiel - 2014 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axw014.
    I examine the debate between substantivalists and relationalists about the ontological character of spacetime and conclude it is not well posed. I argue that the hole argument does not bear on the debate, because it provides no clear criterion to distinguish the positions. I propose two such precise criteria and construct separate arguments based on each to yield contrary conclusions, one supportive of something like relationalism and the other of something like substantivalism. The lesson is that one must fix an (...)
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  47. The Impossibility of Coherence.Erik J. Olsson - 2005 - Erkenntnis 63 (3):387-412.
    There is an emerging consensus in the literature on probabilistic coherence that such coherence cannot be truth conducive unless the information sources providing the cohering information are individually credible and collectively independent. Furthermore, coherence can at best be truth conducive in a ceteris paribus sense. Bovens and Hartmann have argued that there cannot be any measure of coherence that is truth conducive even in this very weak sense. In this paper, I give an alternative impossibility proof. I provide a relatively (...)
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  48. The Comic Poet, the City, and the Gods: Dionysus' Katabasis in the Frogs of Aristophanes.Steven Forde - 1994 - Interpretation 21 (3):275-286.
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    The Ethical Agendas of Employment Agencies Towards Migrant Workers in the UK: Deciphering the Codes. [REVIEW]Chris Forde & Robert MacKenzie - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (S1):31-41.
    This article examines the connections between employment agencies, ethics and migrant workers. The article identifies three approaches adopted by agencies towards ethics and migrant workers, namely, ‘business case’, ‘minimal compliance’ and ‘social justice’ approaches. Through case studies of three agencies in the UK, the article explores the potential and limitations of each of these approaches for meeting the needs of migrant workers. The article points to the limitations of both the business case and ‘minimal compliance’ approaches, stemming from tensions between (...)
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    The structure of analogical reasoning in bioethics.Erik Weber & Qianru Wang - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (1):69-84.
    Casuistry, which involves analogical reasoning, is a popular methodological approach in bioethics. The method has its advantages and challenges, which are widely acknowledged. Meta-philosophical reflection on exactly how bioethical casuistry works and how the challenges can be addressed is limited. In this paper we propose a framework for structuring casuistry and analogical reasoning in bioethics. The framework is developed by incorporating theories and insights from the philosophy of science: Mary Hesse’s ideas on horizontal and vertical relations in analogical reasoning in (...)
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